The view above shows part of the giant, hexagon-shaped jet stream around Saturn’s north pole. Each side of the hexagon is about as wide as Earth. A circular storm lies at the center, at the pole.
December 7, 2016
Cassini Beams Back First Images from New Orbit
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has sent to Earth its first views of Saturn’s atmosphere since beginning the latest phase of its mission. The new images show scenes from high above Saturn’s northern hemisphere, including the planet’s intriguing hexagon-shaped jet stream.
Cassini began its new mission phase, called its Ring-Grazing Orbits, on Nov. 30. Each of these weeklong orbits — 20 in all — carries the spacecraft high above Saturn’s northern hemisphere before sending it skimming past the outer edges of the planet’s main rings.
カッシーニは11月30日にリング・グレージング・オービット(Ring-Grazing Orbits)と呼ばれる新たなミッションを開始しました。土星の環の外縁部を周回する前に、各1週間の軌道で20回土星の北半球上空を通過します。
Cassini’s imaging cameras acquired these latest views on Dec. 2 and 3, about two days before the first ring-grazing approach to the planet. Future passes will include images from near closest approach, including some of the closest-ever views of the outer rings and small moons that orbit there.

This collage of images shows Saturn’s northern hemisphere and rings as viewed with four different spectral filters. Each filter is sensitive to different wavelengths of light and reveals clouds and hazes at different altitudes.